Looking and Listening Nature Walk


Looking and Listening Nature Walk

Materials Needed:
Image1 Grocery bags (one per child)
Image1 Pad of paper/notebook
Image1 Pen/pencil

What to Do:
Image1 Take the children outside for a nature walk.
Image1 Give each child a bag.
Image1 Explain to the children that nature is full of wonders to hear and see. They should look and listen carefully as they go on the walk.
Image1 Ask the children to tell you some of the sounds they hear and the things they see.
Image1 Write what they have told you onto the pad of paper or in the notebook. (You may want to title your notebook a "Nature Walk Journal" for present and future walks.)
Image1 Instruct the children to collect a few "nature items" to put in their bags.
Image1 When you return to the classroom, invite the children sit in a group and take turns sharing what sounds and nature items they discoved on the walk.

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