Easter Egg Pattern

Easter Egg Pattern


Materials Needed:

Easter egg stickers
Index cards (unlined)
Small paper plates
Brown crayon or marker
Black marker


What To Do:

Cut index cards in half lengthwise.
Stick 3 or 4 Easter egg stickers on each of the index card strips. (Make sure that you choose 3 or 4 eggs varying in patterns.)
Using the black marker, write a number (1-10) on each of the sticker eggs on the index card strip.
Cut an Easter basket shape out of the small paper plate. (Enough for each child to have one.)
Turn the Easter egg pattern strips over so the egg stickers are hidden.
Have each child pick an egg pattern strip.
Give each child an Easter basket to color.
After the basket has been colored, write the child's name on it.
Place Easter egg stickers within reach of the children.
Have each child look at the strip they picked and stick the same egg pattern(s) and number of specified eggs into his/her Easter basket.



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