Egg Carton Alligator


Egg Carton Alligator


Materials Needed:

Template for nose, tail, and backs of eyes.
Egg carton (One per child)
Green foam sheet or green poster board
White paper (for eyes)
Green sequins or dried split peas
Plastic beads (2 per child)
Black marker
Green paint



What to Do:

Cut top off of egg carton and discard.
Print out template for nose, tail, and backs of eyes.
Cut out and trace template onto either green foam sheet or green tag board. 

Trace the eye template onto the white paper and cut out. Trim so that it is slightly smaller than the green back of eye.

Instruct children to:

- Paint the outside of the egg carton green and then let paint dry.
- Turn egg carton so the egg cup openings are facing down and painted side is facing up.
- Glue nose to one end of the egg carton by slightly overlapping it under the egg carton. Repeat this procedure on the opposite end using the tail piece.
- To use black marker to draw an upside down "U" shape in the bottom part of the white eye to make a pupil (see sample picture).

Instruct children to glue:

- White eye to green back of eye.
- Finished eyes onto the front sides of the two egg cups facing the nose.
- Black beads, with the hole-side up, onto tip end of nose.
- Sequins (or peas) all over top of nose and tail.


 * This may be too difficult to be an individual project but is a great group activity or teacher made theme related visual for the classroom.


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