Ice Decorations

Ice Decorations


Materials Needed:
Image1 Pie pans (small)
Image1 Water
Image1 Yarn
Image1 Nature items


What to Do:
Image1 Bring children outside to go on a nature walk to collect items they would like to use to create their ornaments.
Image1 Instruct the children to:

- Fill the bottom of the pie pans with about an inch of water.
- Line the pan with yarn and leave an extra couple of inches loose at the top as a hanger.
- Use their selected items to make an arrangement in the water.
- Place outside to freeze or place in the freezer if you live in a warmer climate.
- After water has frozen solid, remove the ornament from the pan and using the loose yarn attach it to a tree.

Image1 Be sure to hang the ornaments far enough away that they won’t bump into each other and break.

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