My Favorite Zoo Animal

My Favorite Zoo Animal


Materials Needed:

Image1 Picture of favorite zoo animal (computer print out, magazine cut out, sticker, etc.)   

Image1 Crayons   

Image1 Construction paper   

Image1 Plastic drinking straws (colorful ones look nice)   

Image1 Glue

What to Do:  

Image1 Cut a 9x12 sheet of construction paper in half so you have two 9x6 pieces.

Image1 Cut straws so they measure six inches in length. (You will need approximately seven straws per project.)

Image1 Provide each child with two copies of their favorite zoo animal, glue, straws, 9x6 pice of construction paper, 9x12 piece of construction paper, and crayons.   

Image1 Instruct children to:

- Glue/stick one of their zoo animals onto the 9x6 piece of construction paper.   

- Glue the straws onto the paper to resemble a cage.  

- To draw a place they think the zoo animal they picked might like to live onto the 9x12 piece of construction paper.

- Glue/stick their zoo animal to the habitat picture they drew.  

Image1 Explain to children many zoos now try to recreate the animal’s natural habitat instead of putting the animals in cages.

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