Fossilized Dinosaur Eggs

Fossilized Dinosaur Eggs


Materials Needed:
Image1 Eggs (2 hard-boiled)
Image1 Vinegar (enough to fill one plastic cup after egg has been put in cup)
Image1 Cup (2 clear plastic ones)
Image1 Water


What to Do:
Image1 Place one egg in each of the cups.
Image1 Pour enough vinegar into one of the egg cups to completely cover the egg.
Image1 Pour enough water in the other egg cup to completely cover the egg.
Image1 Ask the children what they think will happen to the eggs.
Image1 Soak the eggs for 48 hours.  Make sure the children get to view the eggs several times throughout the 2 days (you may want to document their observations).
Image1 After they have been soaking for a couple of days, put the egg that was soaking in vinegar into a bowl of water and gently remove the foamy residue (calcium).
Image1 Let the egg dry for several days.
Image1 You should notice a wrinkled egg that resembles a fossilized egg!




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