Mom is Berry Special

Mom is Berry Special


Materials Needed:
Image1 Construction paper
Image1 Sponge
Image1 Paint (red and green)
Image1 Strawberry plastic container/basket
Image1 Glue
Image1 Copy paper


What to Do:
Image1 Fold piece of construction paper in half to form a card.
Image1 Cut strawberry shape out of sponge.
Image1 Cut copy paper to fit inside card.
Image1 Instruct children to:

- Dip strawberry shape sponge into red paint and make prints on the front of the card, leaving room for basket print underneath the strawberry stampings. Let dry before proceeding to next step.
- Dip one side of strawberry basket into green paint.  Make one basket print on bottom of the paper, making sure that it is on some of the strawberries. Let dry before proceeding to next step.
- Paint green leaves/stems on top of each strawberry.
- Use a black marker to place dots on strawberries.

Image1 While front of card is drying invite children to write/dictate/draw on copy paper what they think makes their mom “berry special”.
Image1 After front is dry, open card and instruct children to glue  the insert onto the right hand side of the card.

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