How Many Ducks Get Stuck In the Muck?

How Many Ducks Get Stuck In the Muck?
Materials Needed:
Image1 Brown bulletin board paper
Image1 Scissors
Image1 Rhyme


What to Do:
Image1 Cut out a big mud puddle from bulletin board paper.
Image1 Have one child pretend to be stuck in the muck.
Image1 Recite this rhyme:
“One little duck is stuck in the muck, when along comes a friend. What luck! What luck!”
Image1 Have a friend come and also get stuck in the muck. Recite the rhyme again changing it to “Two little ducks are stuck in the muck” Continue adding friends and counting up until the whole class is stuck in the muck.
Image1 After all the children are stuck in the muck, recite the rhyme again using the final count number and add “…when along comes the teacher. What luck! What luck! She pulls all the ducks right out of the muck!”

*Related Book: One Duck Stuck by Phyllis Root

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