Ocean Estimation

Ocean Estimation


Materials Needed:
Image1 Goldfish (crackers)
Image1 Assorted shells
Image1 Assorted sized plastic bags
Image1 Glue
Image1 Poster boards (two)


What to Do:
Image1 Fill one large bag and one small bag with various amounts of goldfish and one large bag and one small bag with assorted shells.
Image1 Attach the goldfish bags to one poster board and the shell bags to the other poster board.
Image1 Ask children to estimate how many goldfish and how many shells are in each bag and record their answers. After everyone has guessed, count the number of fish and shells in each bag as a class and record on the posterboard.
Image1 Discuss which guesses were closest and ask each child, “Why did you guess that number?”. Talk about things to think of when making an estimation.
Image1 Post the posters on the wall for parents to see.



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