Finish the Dinosaur Sentence


Finish the Dinosaur Sentence

Materials Needed:
Image1 List of dinosaur sentences for the children to finish
Image1 Black marker
Image1 Large sheet of paper

What to Do:
Image1 Using a large piece of paper, write down several dinosaur statements, leaving the end blank for the children to fill in. (*See some ideas of statements below.)
Image1 Read the statements to the children and have them take turns answering them.
Image1 Write their answers in the blanks and after all the blanks have been filled in, read them back to the children.
Image1 You may want to write the child's name in parenthesis near their answer.

* Ideas for some statements to finish:
  - The biggest dinosaur was the ____________.
  - A flying dinosaur was called a ____________.
  - If I could have a dinosaur for a pet it would be a _________.
  - I think the meanest dinosaur was the _________, because __________.
  - The Tyrannosaurus Rex's favorite food to eat was __________.

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